Monthly Savings Tk. 25000 for 7 Yr

There are 3 banks found in database for monthly saving scheme of BDT 25,000.00 for 7 years.
Check maturity amount below to compare and choose the best offer waiting for you.

Bank Name Monthly Deposit Duration Maturity Amount Rating
Dhaka Bank ৳ 25,000.00 7 Years ৳ 2,817,953.00 AA3
NRB Commercial Bank ৳ 25,000.00 7 Years ৳ 3,002,500.00 A3
United Commercial Bank ৳ 25,000.00 7 Years ৳ 2,618,529.00 AA2
Last updates: 31 Dec 2019

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BDT Exchange Rates
CurrencyRate (৳)
US Dollar US Dollar (USD) 119.55
Euro Euro (EUR) 131.67
British Pound British Pound (GBP) 156.71
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar (AUD) 81.83
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar (CAD) 88.29
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc (CHF) 140.06
Japanese Yen Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.81
Saudi Arabian Riyal Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) 31.84
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR) 1.42
Thai Baht Thai Baht (THB) 3.61
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